Shanelle Pekin
(Cert IV Veterinary Nurse)
Dr Mike Woodham
BSc BVMS CMAVA (Veterinary Surgeon)
’Twas the Night Before Puppy Pick-Up
’Twas the night before pick up and the puppies were snoring
Taking one last snooze before meeting their families in the morning
Their breeder assembled their puppy packs with care
Her pride and excitement filling the air
She worked hard to make sure her pups were brave and strong
And they’ll be out in the world sharing the love before long.
The puppy buyers are nestled all snug in their beds
With visions of their new dog dancing in their heads
They spring from their slumber at the hint of sunrise
Knowing their precious pups await at the end of a long drive
One by one the puppies leave their first home
Ready to carve out a little path of their own.
Happy and confident thanks to all that socialisation
Well bred dogs are in good hands with the heroes of dog nation
For the breeder, goodbye is more sweet than bitter
This is her heart and her legacy – each little soul from her litter.
The families head home with warm puppies in their laps
And the breeder heads back into a quieter house
Knowing each pup ended up with the perfect match
The whelping box is empty but her heart is full of joy
The hard work is worth it for every good girl and good boy
The pups trot through the world, excellent representation of their breed
Leaving paw prints across the hearts of everyone that they meet.